Building Material Costs in 2022 & What It Means for You

May 30, 2022
It is no secret that the cost of living has risen dramatically in the past two years and many industries, are feeling th

10 Factors that Influence the Cost of a Knock Down Rebuild

May 19, 2022
You're in the neighbourhood you love, close to those you love, allowing you a lifestyle you couldn't get anywhere else.

The Hottest Suburbs in Sydney to Build Your New Home

May 13, 2022
Ever since people started calling Sydney home many generations ago, its growth has never slowed down. People love Sydney

A Knock Down Rebuild – Get the Best of Both Worlds

August 30, 2021
People are flocking to NSW in search of the lifestyle balance and opportunities that our Southern shores can provide. Wh

The Importance of Passive Solar Home Design

August 12, 2021
If you’re in the market for affordable, efficient and Earth-friendly solutions for your home, chances are you’ve hea

Rental Property Investment – How To Earn Four Rental Incomes From One Property

May 18, 2021
In today’s hot real estate market, you may be looking for a way to increase the profit and potential of your block of

Changing Work Environments: Escape the city, work from home

May 12, 2021
Working from home has become a rising trend among many businesses, from government offices to small startups. According

How to secure a property in a very hot market

March 29, 2021
The housing market in Sydney and around New South Wales is booming with both interstate and international travellers lon

A local’s guide to relocating to Sydney

March 29, 2021
Congratulations on deciding to relocate to New South Wales! Sydney and the Greater Sydney regions are booming with new h

Subdividing property | How to identify if you can subdivide your property

January 15, 2021
Subdividing property is a great way to increase a return on your investment. That said, it can be risky if you

Facades | 3 ways to maximise your home’s street appeal

January 11, 2021
    Classic design Your property's facade is the first impression your home makes. Nothing

Big homes for narrow blocks | Clever design ideas for small properties

January 6, 2021
    Having a narrow block, doesn’t mean having a small home. Whether you’ve nabbed yourself a

Multi-purpose studio – A Great Addition to Your New Home

December 21, 2020
A multi-purpose studio is a great way to extend your living space, with minimal cost and sacrifice to your out

Location | 5 tips to choosing the right area to invest in

December 17, 2020
    So you’re ready for an investment property - congratulations! Now to find the right one. The

Building on a steep block | How to design and build on a slope

December 11, 2020
    If you’ve been dreaming of building your own new home from scratch, but thought your steep b