Custom Bespoke Homes vs. Production Homes + What to Expect

July 19, 2022  

If you’re considering building a new home, chances are you’ve come across terms such as “custom bespoke homes” and “production homes”.

Choosing which one applies to your new home build is one of the most important decisions of your building journey and should be one of the first you make along with determining your budget and location. Designing a house from start to finish is no small feat. So, you’ll want to ensure your new home builders have the vision, skills, experience, materials, and tools for the job.

Today, we’ll compare these two types of builders and look at what to expect from each of them. Keep reading to discover their key differences.


The key differences between custom and production homes

When it comes down to it, all builders build homes, but the way they do it can vary greatly, causing very different results.

The two main types of building companies

  • Bespoke builders (otherwise known as custom or boutique home builders)
  • Production builders (otherwise known as volume or tract builders)


What are boutique home builders?

A boutique home builder caters to the custom needs of an individual. They pair innovative designs with architectural excellence and a personalised focus.

Custom home builders allow customers to create their dream home from scratch with a multitude of high-quality finishes. They’re especially talented at designing homes for sloped or awkwardly shaped blocks. Because of this, they’ll only take on a certain number of clients per year and design those homes based on individual lifestyle, budget, and stylistic needs.


What are production home builders?

A production builder is a large company who usually works with hundreds of clients at any given time. Known for producing houses in the high thousands every year and promoted for doing it quickly, a production builder is likely the one responsible for that new estate down the road or the new block of units you pass on your commute.

They are fantastic business people who can have so many things going on at once. However, they don’t generally offer a personalised approach, and unfortunately, many customers fall through the cracks. Therefore, when choosing a production builder, one must consider what sacrifices they’re willing to make to get a home ‘quicker’ while considering that no home developer is exempt from building material delays and labour shortages.


What to expect from bespoke home builders

Complete customisation

A custom home builder provides a comprehensive design to specifications based on your block of land and lifestyle needs. Your customised options can include appliances to suit the way you cook, wall and floor coverings to add to your comfort and finishings to reflect your style.  Just say the word and your boutique home builder will plan out the best way to feng shui your new home design before they lay the first brick. With the help of your very own designer and architect, you will oversee every element in your new home.

A design to suit your lifestyle & routine

As a result of customisation, your home will reflect your style, routine, and personality, perfectly tailored to suit you well into the future. Your floorplan can account for kids running through a busy kitchen or the need for a quiet place to work. A custom home builder is unique in that they can offer flexibility and tailored solutions to almost any problem, from quirky blocks to the fact that you need extra space for grandma to live.

The power of personal expression

Whether you’re the type of person who personalises their desk on the first day of a new job, or you’re someone who doesn’t even own their own mug, you will love having a home that reflects who you are. Your space can be tailored to show off your hobbies, optimise your comfort and embrace your quirks. Your custom home will truly be a sanctuary with a like no other.

Make the most of your land

As part of their business savvy, many volume home builders will use every square inch of the block to expand their potential profit. However, if you have an oddly shaped or sloping block, many volume builders won’t go near it. On the other hand, Bespoke builders create your home with your lifestyle in mind, so you have the power to decide whether you want space for a trampoline or want to prevent a single blade of grass from poking through.

Use of high-quality materials

Bespoke homes are synonymous with quality. Each home reflects the builder’s years of skill and experience, and they will treat your build as if they were creating it for their very own family. Every finish, fitting and fixture will be carefully chosen and often locally sourced to guarantee they will look and function flawlessly for years to come.

Respect for the budget that suits you

The thought that a custom home is always more expensive is simply not true. Primarily because of the pandemic, the cost of building materials is the same across the board. The difference will be that bespoke home builders won’t try to build more than you bargained for, and they will have a greater chance of sticking to your time constraints.


What to expect from production home builders

Production home builders have such a vast market share because there are plenty of people out there buying what they’re selling. They can build a home to a set specification to achieve a consistent finish for those on a tight budget or looking to build an investment property. But this isn’t for everyone!

Many people go with a production or volume builder because they simply don’t know that other options are available. But some choose them because they’re under the impression that custom homes are simply out of their reach.

Bulk pricing

You’ve got an ideal budget, and you’d like to stick to the lower end of it. Nobody could blame you for being savvy. Many people go with volume builders because they look cheaper on paper. This isn’t always true, as the cost of materials and labour is what it is; and there’s no getting around it. This means you may have to pay additional fees in the future if building materials costs escalate before your new home is complete.

More staff can mean faster construction time

We’ve all seen it – the billboard over the highway or the splash across your TV screen advertising a complete home built in 16 weeks. Because production companies typically have more labourers on hand, they can promise faster turnover times.

However, a good rule of thumb is that a good build isn’t quick, and a quick build isn’t good. While getting your new home constructed as quickly as possible might be tempting, don’t forget that volume builders are subject to border closures, timber shortages, and freight delays, just like everyone else.

Predetermined designs and finishes

You don’t have to be an architect or designer or even own a Pinterest account to pick out a production home design. However, once you’re locked into one architectural plan, it can be difficult to add any custom features you may decide to add later on.



Pick the home builder that suits your custom needs

Building a home has various price factors, and when it comes down to brass tacks, there is very little difference between the cost of bespoke or volume builder homes. So, why not go with a bespoke company that will treat your home build like their own, with a personalised focus, a custom design, and a high-quality finish?

Many people assume that custom homes are only for the creative, wealthy, or inspired, but with an excellent bespoke building company on your side, you will soon find the process is much easier than you initially thought. Don’t discount yourself by choosing a design you don’t love or a builder who doesn’t have a vision for your home. Instead, rely on the professionals to create the custom home you could never have dreamed of. Bigger isn’t always best, and bespoke homes are becoming the most popular and most secure choice for a reason.

The team at New South Homes are ready to take on new clients to create homes that last a lifetime, with complete customisation, expert builders and trades and the highest quality materials. Click here to get in touch and discuss making your dream home come to life with New South Homes.




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