Blog Category: Planning Spaces

Everything You Need to Know About House Facades

September 15, 2023
Walking through my neighbourhood, I’m always struck by the varied house facades that line the streets. From the sturdy

Discover Modern House Floor Plans & Find the Home Floor Plan For You

April 19, 2023
Are you in the market for a new property but feeling overwhelmed by the endless options for floor plans and new homes de

How much does a new home build cost? | Your questions answered

December 20, 2022
Building a new home from scratch is a decision that many buyers are excited about making. Being able to contro

Is Building a New House Worth It? We Weigh the Pros & Cons

December 20, 2022
It doesn't matter where you call home, the very word sparks a deep emotion in each of us. Our homes are our sanctuary

Watch for these 5 Australian Home Architecture Styles in 2024

October 28, 2022
2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year in the design world. Some things will remain consistent, such as the modern ha

Building a Home in Sydney – The 3 Reports You Need Before You Get Started

October 28, 2022
Building a home involves making plans with many designers. It helps to be prepare ahead of time so you’re not in shock

11 Inspiring Home Landscape Design Ideas

October 19, 2022
A beautiful landscape design increases your home's curb appeal and adds a piece of serenity to your everyday life. The p

Feng Shui Your New Home: Tips to Create a Harmonious Space

October 19, 2022
Styling and designing a new home can feel exciting and overwhelming in equal parts, and many new homeowners seek guidanc

Budget for these 7 Surprising Sydney Knock Down Rebuild Costs

October 18, 2022
Vacant land is harder and harder to come by in many metropolitan and suburb areas of Sydney. While the availability of l

The 10 Best Sydney Suburbs for Families

October 18, 2022
Every family has different boxes that need to be ticked. Sydney is home to some of Australia's most popular family-frien

4 Ways to Finance a Knock Down Rebuild for Your Next Home

September 19, 2022
As great blocks of land become harder to come by, knock down rebuilds are growing in popularity. Knockdown rebuilds are

The Guide to Budgeting for Your New Home Build

May 30, 2022
Budget – the most important consideration, which often has the final say over every consequential decision, is often o

Building Material Costs in 2022 & What It Means for You

May 30, 2022
It is no secret that the cost of living has risen dramatically in the past two years and many industries, are feeling th

The Importance of Passive Solar Home Design

August 12, 2021
If you’re in the market for affordable, efficient and Earth-friendly solutions for your home, chances are you’ve hea

Subdividing property | How to identify if you can subdivide your property

January 15, 2021
Subdividing property is a great way to increase a return on your investment. That said, it can be risky if you