Upsize me | Your guide to a growing family (and the space it needs)

August 12, 2020  

The decision to upsize your family home can be arrived at in a myriad of ways. From the straightforward – there’s a baby on the way – to the unexpected (an “unprecedented” working from home scenario, for example).

Perhaps your family is not growing bigger, just growing older; teenagers seem to require a lot more space. Everything might just suddenly feels more cramped, more messy and in need of some breathing space. 

Either way, it’s important to consider all your options when upsizing.

What can we afford?

Upsizing means you are able to use the equity in the home you already have. You can use this as security with the bank to borrow more, however, only a certain proportion of your equity is usable. Generally, banks will lend you 80% of the value of your equity. This ensures that if property prices drop, the amount you owe will never exceed your property’s value. 

Choosing to knock-down and rebuild

If you absolutely love where you live, but have never been quite been as enamoured with the floorplan, a knock-down-rebuild could be a great option. Plan the house you always dreamt of, with all the bedroom space, bathrooms and living area you require, and stay exactly where you want to be.

Think this might be the option for you? Read more about knock down rebuilds here

Whichever path you decide to take in the next phase of your life, make sure you do your research first and contact industry-awarded, custom home builders to help you go down the right path. When it comes to property ownership, these are the decisions that affect the future of your financial security. Not to mention your family’s sanity.


Call us today to see how we can help.




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