Blog Category: House and Land

How To Research the Best Home Builders

September 20, 2022
Building a custom home means that you are likely planning to create your dream home. You've probably gone through multip

A local’s guide to relocating to Sydney

March 29, 2021
Congratulations on deciding to relocate to New South Wales! Sydney and the Greater Sydney regions are booming with new h

Asbestos removal | What to do if you find asbestos.

December 8, 2020
Asbestos removal can be plagued with issues. Asbestos was once used in Australia in more than 3,000 different

Low Rise Housing Diversity Code | How The New Code Can Help Turn The Average Person Into A Developer

August 31, 2020
Understanding the Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code The Low-Rise Housing Diversity Code is a set of regulations and g

Escape to the country | The homestead life

June 26, 2020
  Embracing a slower paced life is a dream most people entertain. Escaping to the country, living the homestead

Government launches $25K builders and renovators HomeBuilder grant

June 22, 2020
The $25k HomeBuilder grant is a response to industry downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. It hopes to give the residen

Why House and Land Packages are Worth the Investment

May 27, 2020
Building a new house will be one of the biggest and most exciting adventures you'll ever undertake in your lifetime. U

8 ways to keep warm this winter

May 12, 2020
  Winter is closing in and with them our windows and bifolds. Energy bills at this time can go through the roo

Living in a Passive House | Using Mother Nature to Heat and Cool

April 1, 2020
Passive House certified buildings have proven that it is possible to build structures requiring so little ener